Red House Wiki:About

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What is it?

Red House Wiki is a wiki, just like Wikipedia.

There's some extra functionality on it to make it even more useful.

Wikis are really good at

The guy who invented them wanted to make information webs simple.

They're a bit like those pin boards full of evidence that detectives cluster around in the movies.

What's it for?

For developing digital education at PSCA.

When you're registered you can add content

A wiki is a simple way to get some cross-fertilisation going.

Helpful hints

  1. don't use it for private stuff, it's a shared space
  2. pages are shared too - registered users can edit them
  3. try to be specific with titles
  4. use short pages instead of fewer big ones
  5. link them up and use categories
  6. use lots of links anyway
  7. use images to make your content more interesting
    (but be careful with copyright etc)
"Like people, ideas have social lives" - Joshua Rothman

Related Pages

 How to add stuff to a wiki Collaborative filtering Category:Experiments
 User:Gav Category:Recipe Information diet
 Learning by wiki Positive feedback Expats Gallery
 Artificial Intelligence MediaWiki:Common.css Filter bubbles