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It is often said that failure is the greatest teacher and I think this is because you feel embarrassed and a lot of other emotions which makes the memory of that moment very "sticky"!

Yoda is very famous for teaching students through failure!

Making mistakes in school is very important so the more you make the better!

We hope Failure becomes an interesting category for some you and it's worth sharing your own stories via a page you create in this wiki or in a discussion so you can make the learning experience even more "sticky" and also others can learn something and add their own important failed experiences.

The reason some people fail exams for example is you assume exams are all tough and the answer is more complicated than it really is so people often ignore the first answer that comes to mind and allow their minds to race away down totally the wrong path. It's worth making a note of your first answer before thinking of other options so you can at least go back to the first thought you had!

If you fail an exam, don't worry about it! You might have all the knowledge you require, you just have to improve your technique.

And if you keep failing exams no matter how hard you try, please don't worry! Whats more important in the world of work is another category called Experience and to get experience go out and get a job and make a few mistakes and before long you'll be an expert instead of an academic who can only pass exams! An expert is best defined as "someone who has made lots and lots of mistakes in a very narrow field".

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