There are a number of circular walks laid out in Querrien, and in neighbouring communes, taking you through the gently rolling countryside via a network of clearly ancient footpaths. It's very much like stepping back in time. You will find Carte de Randonée maps and various walking guides in the house, but you can always also ask at the very helpful Mairie wherever you happen to be.

One of the local walks, the Circuit de La Clarté, passes right by the front door of Pont Neo. Follow in one direction, it leads to a deeply incised footpath that cuts up to La Clarté and then along the valley of the river Naïc. In the other, it takes you up onto the ridge that you can see in the distance from the garden. From there, we'll sometimes cut back across the fields to the little bridge in the corner of the garden (the "pont neo"), making our own 20 minute mini-walk.

Other favourites are the walks along the valley of the river Isole, passing through native woodland and looking back across the valley, and of course the many paths through the wild Forêt Domaniale de Pont Calleck near Plouay and the large Forêt de Toulfoën you drive through south of Quimperlé, but this really is the tip of a very large iceburg.
The countryside around here is quite diverse and is criss-crossed by lots of longer and shorter randonées. So whether you're a serious rambler or not, you'll find something to suit you as long as you remember your boots.