Carbon Cycle and Climate Change

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This online lesson is about the Carbon Cycle and Climate Change.

Lesson Instructions

  1. Print out this worksheet if you can.
  2. Watch the 15 min video above, filling in the worksheet or taking notes as you go along. Take your time and make sure you understand all the different bits & pieces. If you have a question and are logged in on the wiki, pause the video, click on the discussion tab above this page and ask it. Otherwise, you could ask it in the video's comments on YouTube or just email me.
  3. When you've finished, take this short quiz. How did you do?
  4. Final task in the video: I want you to be imaginative, so try to unleash your creativity! Use these questions to help. This task is to explain what you think. It's up to you what you make, but make sure you can explain it. It's up to you how long you want to spend on it too, but about an hour would be good.
  5. Either send your final work to me, or upload it yourself to new page on this wiki (include your name & type [[Category:Climate Change Work]] somewhere on your page).
  6. Due date is:
  7. Remember, if you need to ask a question, add it to the discussion tab or, if you're stuck, contact me via email.
  8. For the following week's lesson, we'll have a look through everyone's hard work and see what interesting ideas we've discovered. We'll also do a survey to see what you liked and didn't like about learning this way!

Useful figure from the start in case you want it.

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