Negative feedback

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Negative feedbacks are self-regulating or homeostatic. They are part of how self-organisation works.

Here are a couple of famous examples:

  1. As a human, the hotter you get, the more your surface blood vessels dilate and the more you sweat. This cools you down by efficiently transferring heat from inside to outside. This contracts your surface blood vessels and stops you sweating.
  2. Daisyworld is a famous simulation/thought experiment of the earth's temperature as the sun's power has changed over geologic time. In it, white daisies reflect sunlight, lowering the temperature, while black daisies absorb, store and radiate it, increasing the temperature. Over time, competition between the different coloured daisies helps to keep the temperature perfect for daisies in general, even though the sun's power changes.

The Related Pages etc sections at the bottom of each page of this wiki are part of a negative feedback between users and content. As users click about, the links in them and their relative positions change in response, which to some extent changes what they click on. So this is a self-regulating feedback too.

For more see Positive feedback

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